UMNO still trapped in the Jurassic age – Where are the dinasours today?
By The Middle Ground
It would seem that the most dominant political party in Malaysia is finding it difficult to evolve with time. Continuously harping on race issues whilst ignoring the bigger picture of a shrinking world where all kinds of divisive barriers are being torn down by "enlightened" individuals, tribes and countries.
Two reports carried by The Malaysian Insider prompted this post.
The first is UMNO's "circling the wagons" and "hunkering down" with go it alone sentiments as expressed by many of the division leaders who attended the closed-door 3-day retreat at Janda Baik. You can read The Malaysian Insider's report HERE.
The second is at the N31 – Bagan Pinang by-election nomination of candidates. Books containing outright racial propaganda or with racial undertones were distributed there. No prizes for guessing who were the people distributing such books. Read The Malaysian Insider's report HERE.
At the onset of independence, Malaysia could be stereotypically described as a country with different areas of importance manned by different segments of Malaysian society along racial lines. Hence the birth of NEP and the social engineering which ensued after May 13, an UMNO engineered blot on our history, which provided the justification (and fear mongering) of all subsequent racialist attitudes by our ruling elites!
I would like to add here that I had agreed with the noble principles of the restructuring so that Malaysians can no longer be stereotyped after the prescribed time but it has all gone horribly wrong.
It all went wrong when Mahathir came into power and decided that he would produce "a thousand Malay millionaires" so as to rival the number of Malaysian Chinese millionaires then. For the sake of ego, Mahathir developed a culture that today is the biggest bane of ordinary Malaysians and especially of the ordinary Malays – the "crutch" mentality of a "privileged" race without the actual assistance.
The idea of the NEP was to correct imbalances in Malaysian society. To give the Malays a bigger share of the economic pie and bring them on par with Malaysians of the other races. At the same time, to share power of ruling the country with other loyal but non-Malay citizens.
Somehow, all these noble ideals were lost for the sake of keeping political hegemony and none of the useless "partners" of UMNO were brave enough to speak out and make a stand for fear of losing their cosy positions. In the end, the NEP is only about enriching a "connected" few leaving most ordinary Malaysians wondering what had happened to all her wealth which should have been equally distributed?
Well now that those "who lend legitimacy" to the racists know the true colors of the UMNO racists, what can they do about it? Leave the BN coalition which no longer works and sacrifice their "perks"? Unfortunately for them, they can no longer do that for by doing so would show their true colors when they had defended "the equal partnership of BN"! They no longer have a platform to stand on when these selfish people hitched their future fortunes on UMNO coattails.
I find it incredulous when ordinary Malaysians and even those who were supposedly to enjoy the benefits of the NEP can't see through what UMNO's real intentions were when UMNO's actions before 8 March and after 8 March are so blatant in our faces!!!
Read more at: UMNO still trapped in the Jurassic age – Where are the dinasours today?