Leader of a democratic country but megalomaniac in nature!
By romerz
First we have Kerismuddin defending Isa Samad as UMNO's candidate for the Bagan Pinang by-election which I blogged about in "Good guilt, bad guilt – Is there such a thing?".
Now we have UMNO president Najib doing more of the same but with an added twist. Like his cousin before him, he watered-down Isa's past guilt of money politics as a "technical" matter. He praised Isa for taking his punishment like a man and should now be given a second chance at public life since "he is popular amongst the locals and is capable of winning".
I won't go into further detail why this is so abhorrent to me as an ordinary Malaysian citizen, trying to make my way in life by legal, fair and moral means. I had already mentioned "honesty and character" in the earlier post about this upcoming by-election.
Instead I'm going to take issue with what Najib said as reported by Malaysiakini HERE. Amongst other things he is reported to have said;
"Furthermore, he added that Isa was only contesting a state assembly seat and not a minister or menteri besar's seat."
????????????? What is Najib trying to say here?
Is not a state assembly seat equally important as it is also representation of ordinary people in matters of governance over themselves – a part of the democratic system of governance?
Moreover when do we ordinary citizens ever elect a minister or menteri besar? Is he also saying that apart from ministers and menteri besars, all the other elected positions in state assemblies and parliament could be filled by tainted and sub-standard politicians?
What else could he be saying I wonder?
Could he be saying that despite Malaysia being a democratic country, the legislative wing of government is unimportant (as is with the judiciary) and only the executive wing is the end-all of importance? Is he also saying that the constitutionally enshrined local government "autonomy" of the states exist in name only and the real power of the states/country lies only in him and his appointed ministers?
Read more at: Leader of a democratic country but megalomaniac in nature!