Prime Minister of UMNO?

By Steadyaku47

Will someone tell if this Najib is the Prime Minister of UMNO, of the Malays or of Malaysia. I did not mention the Chinese, the Indians and the Others because by default and by his actions he has certainly made these people reject him as their Prime Minister.

So that leaves the Malays and Malaysia because he certainly is Prime Minister of UMNO. Now because Malaysia is made up of not only Malays but also the others then again by default he cannot be Prime Minister for Malaysia. So that leaves the Malays. 

The jury is still out and deliberating this issue. Yes there are only Malays in UMNO. But are the interest of UMNO and the Malays the same? The Malays are Muslims. And so, it seems are the profess religion of those in UMNO. Tapi cakap bukan serupa bikin. Islam frowns on greed, corruption, and deceit. UMNO does not. 

The Malays are polite, soft spoken and do not, I repeat do not, tolerate arrogance and lack of respect for elders and for those that live amongst them. The leaders of UMNO are arrogant to a fault. They strut around like peacocks and yet bury their head in the sand like ostriches unwilling and unable to understand that the Malays are the reason they are in power for the last fifty years. Instead they let it be known to anybody who would listen that it is because of UMNO that the Malays are what they are today. 

And what are the Malays today? Are they more successful then the Chinese? No! Are their children better educated that the thousands of others that have chosen or are driven to go overseas to further their studies? No. Are the Malays positioned to take on the Chinese economically? No – not even with the Bumiputra privileges, not with the NEP not even with our so-called control of all the major economic instruments required for our success in commerce. This is because of the abuse and manipulations by UMNO of all these advantages that was to be for the Malays but instead hijacked by UMNO for its own. 

So if UMNO insists that the Malays are what they are to day because of UMNO – yes I agree.

UMNO has caused the Malays to be a poor second to the Chinese and the others.

Read more at: Prime Minister of UMNO?
