Anggota Tentera yang hadir pengistiharan Bandar Tentera Darat dibayar RM300 seorang.
By Anak Sungai Derhaka
Menurut Brigadier Jeneral (B) Arshad beliau dimaklumkan bahawa anggota tentera yang hadir semasa majlis pengisytiharan Bandar Tentera Darat oleh Perdana Menteri mendapat RM 300 setiap seorang.
Kalau tentera hadir sekejap majlis bersama PM di Bagan Pinang boleh dapat RM 300 , orang awam , orang kampung di Bagan Pinang dapat berapa ? Yang mendirikan bilik gerakan, Yang merempit dengan bendera BN, Yang gantung bendera pula dapat berapa ?
ayat di copy dari.. PAS N9.
Ini adalah artikel beliau sepenuhnya..
I had an interesting discourse with a number of friends who were my colleagues in the military; some retired and a few others still in the service. I had just wanted to hear from them their views regarding the political landscape surrounding the by-elections in Bagan Pinang where all parties says that the postal votes will be crucial in determining which party wins or loses.
Besides the by-elections, I also wanted to confirm the much talked about Army leadership changes that is expected to occur soon upon the retirement of the incumbent Army Chief.
What I have heard wasn’t too pleasing to my ears because the leadership changes subsequent to the retirement of the Army Chief is said to be mired in controversy, i.e. one that is not based on merit, seniority, competency, etc etc; but is based on the factor of ‘I know him better than others’. In other words, there is a scheming plan to promote certain preferred individuals who will supposedly will act as their business proxies when the incumbent leader retires from the service. This to me is incredulous, but the murmurs are obvious around the corridors of the Department of Army, as well as outside the military circles. What is unbelievable is that such murmurs are openly being debated among junior officers who now thinks that cronies now lurks even in this honourable profession.
When discussing the by-elections in Bagan Pinang, someone showed me an invitation card for the Anniversary Celebration of the 2nd Armoured Regiment at Sungala Camp, Port Dickson held on October 5th 2009. The invitees includes top army commanders and some notable UMNO politicians who have all decided to make their way to Port Dickson for the function.
I tried to reason out why was there a need for such ‘luminaries’ to attend just a simple regimental function, where the main host ought rightly be the Commanding Officer (CO) himself. If at all the CO wants to extend an invitation to someone of a higher rank, it could have been just the Brigade Commander. But in this instant, there were too ‘many stars’ from Kuala Lumpur, and some ministers who were guests to the function that was organised too close to a by-election. Now, this smells fishy!
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