Bagan Pinang: Saya, yang menurut perintah!

I had a lengthy phone call with my former commander in the Army today with regards to his writing in his blog. In his blog he mentioned non specifically about a regimental day function at Sungala camp as well as Isa Samad campaigning within the perimeter of an army camp in PD. Surprised!, I am not.

2.    In our discussion he mentioned that a unit called 2nd Armor having their Anniversary Celebration in the early part of the week. The program was attended by the Minister of Defense, Deputy Chief of Army and many top brasses from Mindef. Obviously the regimental night serves two purposes; the first is to justify the Minister of Defense expenses claims for spending time in PD as well as giving Isa Samad the much needed platform to do his campaigning.

3.  It was also reported that couple of mid rank officers escorted Isa in his campaigning among civilians in another camp. It seems the matter was reported in The Sun newspaper. I tried to search for the article but could not find it.

4.  Malaysiakini reported that PAS members has evidence that the Defense Minister even promises money for Surau upgrading in their camp in the tune of RM100,000. In another article soldiers that attended the declaration that PD is to be relabeled as “The Army Town” was given RM300 per person.

5.  Despite the blatant abuse of election rules, the EC “has no evidence” to disqualify Isa. They were not around when these events took place. That explains for the lack of evidence. Daily complains by PAS members to EC were taken lightly as there is a credibility issue on the complainant and the evidence that they produced!

