cakap cakap….Mahathir (Updated with BM Translation)
About the only Prime Minister that can be said to be without any personal blemish would have been Hussein Onn.
We know Tunku weaknesses. We know Tun Tun Razak’s too. But these blemishes or weaknesses in their life affected only themselves … or possibly at most their immediate Family. I know that Tun Razak enjoyed …or needed would be the more appropriate term….needed a few drops of liqueurs and liquors every now and then to calm his nerves and take away the pain of his illness. There are many who are still around today who will testify to that. There were also other issues but Tun Razak public persona is impeachable. Yes he had a Malay agenda. Yes he had done what he thought necessary to achieve those objectives ….but Tunku, Tun Razak and Tun Hussein – these were leaders for whom greed, arrogance and overt deceit were matters to be avoided like the plague.
Updated into BM at: cakap cakap….Mahathir (Bahasa & English)