Indians… The Malaysian Pariahs

By Simon Templar

Bad people get reincarnated as Indians in Malaysia. If you are born into Malaysia via an Indian womb, you are screwed I tell you. Screwed big time.

I don’t quite believe in reincarnation. I know many of you do but not being a very religious person myself, I still pretty much believe in Stephen Hawking. Anyways, say you believe in reincarnation. Who decides where you get reincarnated? There’s the karma system isn’t it? Do good this life and you will get a better life in the next. If that is true, then we know that bad people get reincarnated at Indians in Malaysia. If you are born into Malaysia via an Indian womb, you are screwed I tell you. Screwed big time.

It sucks to be an Indian in this country. If you are born an Indian in India, you stand a chance of being born in the north where you may one day be the richest man in the world or you may be born in the south where you will be just… poor. (Ok, that’s a generalisation but you get the drift). But if you are born an Indian in Malaysia… aiyoyo…

Look at this article, (Indian) Lady Arrested While Making (Police) Report. For those who are too lazy to read… Plain clothes anti-narcotics police raided Indian lady’s house for no reason. Coppers took her pawn papers and her son’s PS2. Coppers made the 14 year old son sit in the police van and poked fun at him telling him they will arrest him when he grows up. Indian lady then went to police station to make report and claim back belongings, but they nabbed her because her report will get the coppers in trouble.

That’s Malaysia. It doesn’t matter if the above story is true or not. It doesn’t matter if the woman has some untold stories. The point I am trying to make is if you are an Indian, you are heavily discriminated in Malaysia. Everyone knows that. You know that, I know that.

If you are an Indian, and you kena tangkap masuk balai, your chances of dying in there is higher than any other races. Innocence not important. Type of offence also not important. And the chances are extremely high that you will get bashed up by the coppers if you are an Indian.

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