Bagan Pinang: “Malaysian style democracy at its best.”

Most of my friends were not surprised with the results of the Bagan Pinang election that concluded yesterday. In my initial write, I had anticipated that Isa will win and I said;” Kalau tak monang bosar, tak tahulah apo nak di kato”.

Well Isa actually win big time. Some of the MSM highlight Isa with accolades from “Zero to Hero”. Reality is BN won because they did whatever it takes to ensure that they win. They left nothing to chance.

2. The soldiers votes has always been useful tool in ensuring that BN wins in the past getting the soldiers was always done in a covert manner under the guidance of a particular cell within the intelligence community in Mindef. In Bagan Pinang, the army went into full swing and campaign openly. They are no longer worried or no longer being embarrassed.

3. In Bagan Pinang, evidence has been surfacing in a piecemeal basis that top brass involvement in campaigning among the soldiers. In a speech at IJED, it appears that an officer who is believe to be the camp commandant, openly throw allegiance to the government and the PM. This was recorded on you tube in the presence of Panglima Markas Medan, Defense Minister, Deputy Defense Minister and the MB of N9. Soldiers cheered to the call made by the Minister and the officers on the various promises that they made. Incentives and fear has been injected into the men.

4. I am not too concern about politician promises as it expected to be an empty promises. Be it a swimming pool or an enlarge surau or houses we will talk about it when it comes. Otherwise we can just take them as empty promises. However, I am particularly concern about the involvement of officers in the election. It seems the contest is not between BN the political party and PR but between the Malaysian Government and PR. Information from friends showed that Middle rung and junior officers were given the responsibility to dishing out RM300 to each soldier. Apparently they receive orders from the top.

5. The “Panglima Medan” has no business to be attending any political campaign under whatever disguises function it may be. The Commander has no business to throw allegiance behind the PM or anyone else. Our allegiance as a soldier is to the King and the country. The army should have stayed neutral. It is quite obvious that the Mindef top brass has no balls or their balls are kept safely by someone. To these officers who have betrayed the country, the people and the King, they should resign. There is no two way about. If I ever see the Panglima Medan, I will spit on his face in front of his man and by doing that I am honoring the country and the King.

