Bagan Pinang N31 : Congrats BN, back to the drawing boards for PR….

First, congratulations is in order for BN. Yes ! They win and win big in Bagan Pinang.

Although the majority is 5,435 I will stick to my stand as per earlier posting that the actual majority for Bagan Pinang is slightly more than 1,000 (1,313 to be exact) votes. My prediction wqas BN to retain Bagan Pinang with a majority of not more than 2,000 votes.

Looking at the figures, my prediction is way off, right? Wrong! After omitting the postal votes which is considered 4,122 votes strong for BN (the 601 votes casted for PR is actually a non-issue), the actual majority is 1,313 votes. That’s less than 2,000 majority. Does that mean my prediction is right? Hhhmmmmm…that will be how politicians justify their figures and today I am not in the mood to play with figures. Today, let’s re-visit Bagan Pinang and try to understand why the results is so….

For that, let’s put it into point forms. So, here are my takes :-

