Insulting Sabahans,The PKR Way

Hantu Laut

When a Sabahan says "Kalau kau, boleh bah!", he means you are not trusted. As a Sabahan you know you are fucked, your friend was just being superficially polite. Unfortunately, the clueless West Malaysian politicians in PKR takes it as a compliment.

When Anwar decided to take over the PKR's Sabah Chief position, the Sabah PKR boys must have told him "Datuk, kalau kau boleh bah" and when he handed the post to another West Malaysian, the polite but unhappy Sabahans must have felt offended and said the same thing but deep down in their heart must have said to themselves that they will teach these clueless and arrogant West Malaysians a lesson.Which they did, PKR has not made any progress in Sabah.

Unfortunately, Anwar and his top dogs in PKR translate politeness as a weakness and stupidity. Sabahans, with the exception of Bung Mokhtar, are, by nature, not aggressive or openly rude. They can take insults in their stride but when they hit back it would be fatal. The downfall of Mustapha Harun and Harris Salleh were testimonials of Sabahan's rage, not the half-filled bottle the wimps of Peninsula Malaysia gave Pakatan Rakyat. When Sabahans decided, the bottle would be either empty or full.

There are rumours that Jeffery Kitingan and Ansari Abdullah may quit the party after being sidelined by Anwar in favour of Azmin Ali. Sabahans have taken the appointment of Azmin as an insult that Sabahans are not good enough. So, who is more arrogant and looked down on Sabahans, UMNO or PKR? Anwar or Najib?

Sabahans would be looking even more stupid if they think this man will look after their welfare after he becomes prime minister. 'Every man for himself, and the devil take the hindmost' sounds more like is his policy and he surely would be a disappointment again, the same as what he did to Jeffery and Ansari, he would do again to all Sabahans.

UMNO didn't appoint West Malaysian to head UMNO in Sabah since the first day it sets foot here. UMNO in Sabah has always been led by Sabahan, a job usually given to the Chief Minister, if he is from UMNO.

