Cure or Castrate the Cancerous Growth
By Ronnie Klassen
Once again Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) is at the crossroads – WHO should lead Sabah?
The latest fiasco as highlighted in blogs and online news portals has captured much interest and resulted in dissatisfaction among the people, members and supporters. For the record, there are no representatives from PKR in the Sabah state legislative assembly – just a reminder to the leadership in case they have overlooked it.
Last week, Malaysiakini reported that, on the night of 7th October, 16 out of a total number of 25 Sabah PKR division heads met and concurred that they had no confidence in Azmin Ali's(right) leadership and communicated this to the party top leadership in Kuala Lumpur.
The report has said that the 16 division chiefs wanted Azmin removed from the post with immediate effect and also made it clear that “no one from outside Sabah should be appointed to head the PKR chapter in the state ever again”.
While UMNO/BN(left) are perhaps enjoying the leadership struggle ‘show’ in PKR Sabah, there is also the notion that there is a hidden hand masterminding this from the sidelines.
The negative signals are surely not at all encouraging but very demoralising. Such things lead people to wonder if PKR is really ready to form the next government. Many supporters and followers were eager to know how I perceived this. I fully subscribe to the fact that Sabah PKR must be led by a Sabahan – there's no two ways about it. Having said that, we also do not want power crazy leaders who are tainted and have nothing to show for themselves, other than creating disunity wherever they go, all because they have only one aim in life – to become THE NUMBER 1.
Read more at: Cure or Castrate the Cancerous Growth