What a barking mad-pie!

by Reina & Eyes Wide Open

Rotten journalists, like old generals, should just fade away. These are journalists who use the media to push their personal agenda or for some megalomaniac purpose, or to ensure the interests of their master/s are protected.

They do not write to enlighten the public about an issue / problem, they do not write to try and offer solutions to a persisting problem. Instead, they write to show off. Some write to please their masters – political masters, economic and business masters, social masters, etc.

These people should not even be called journalists, in the first place, because they purposefully break and bend journalism rules for selfish purposes or the purposes of a select group and gamble with the interests of the public. What they should be called are prostitutes – because they’ll do anything their pimp demands.

But at least there are NGOs working to reach out to rescue prostitutes from their fate. Unfortunately, most prostitute journalists do it out of choice and see very little need to repent.

Recently, a Malay Mail columnist broke the cardinal rule in journalism – defamation.

Rusdi Mustapha wrote in his column ‘Seri Menanti: Daulat Tuanku! What
it means’
that the Centre for Policy Initiatives is propagating anti-Malay monarchy sentiments, creating discord among the races, and questioning the special rights of the Malays.

In essence, Rusdi Mustapha accused the CPI of violating the Sedition Act.

Among his wild accussations, he claims that:

