At least government controlled media is predicatable
How predictable are we to make the change?
Similar to you, I have been following the ongoing clash of titans between the ruling government and the current opposition for the purported benefit of the public.
Naturally the government controlled media trumpets everything for their benefit as the opposition would do for their benefit. That of course is their choice as nobody including people like you and me until maybe just prior to GE12 were interested, as we always made do with the pittance that had been fed to us for our own individual needs.
Today, after 52 years you can stumble upon certain crusaders who are willing to enlighten us, being Malaysians that we as Malaysians can do something to stop the rot when we challenge the authorities on their misdeeds that are against the public’s interest. Yet this still is primarily premature, in my opinion because the public still has not grasped the will to do so in a collective sense, more so when even the opposition haven’t got a grip of this.
Now, as for the mainstream MSM, the usual suspect, we know it, accept it and growl about it. As for the opposition, we tend to give them the benefit of doubt but eventually feel disappointed for their own alter ego that runs similar to the ruling party. At best, either the ruling government or the opposition is of significance as we continue our own status quo that had existed. At worst, we continue to vent our frustration individually in commenting failing to understand that nothing changes until and when we individually recognize that the truth matters without the barrier of origin or superficial party allegiance.
I just love reading the comments and some guest columnists as it actually reflects the hope, desire and the anticipation sitting behind a chair in their own inability. I don’t know whether these commenters and columnists have had an opportunity to make a difference, or whether they are just need to have a say just to prove a point that only serves themselves. At least for me, it is not about proving a point in my comfort, but to enhance the concept of morality and humanity for a Malaysian cause that has gone missing for the society’s need that we thrive in our individual basis that only perpetuates the ambience that creates such frustration for commenters and the guest columnist.
The problem that most of us face is the stigma that BN is bad and Pakatan is good for now at least in MT. This for me is a false hope as, to judge who is good or bad is our collective action for what is truth, moral and humane factors that become synomymous to create the multicultural society that we are. Until and when we are able to deal with this, we will be swinging swords at each other and that is what the politicians love.
If we continue to run a public platform without acknowledging our deficiency in understanding these elements, like how it has been, then there is always going to be the bad guy and the good guy but the public at large will suffer for their own inaction to question the truth, morality and humane factors that prevails in Malaysia.
Yes, we are all aware the mainstream MSM runs a political agenda to serve their masters as much as the crusaders with their dissenting lot run an agenda to challenge them.
Now how do we use these mainstream MSM media for our benefit and educate our society rather than having an internal dilemma as to who is good or who is bad which is not solving the problem for the society other than involving ourselves in gutter politics that have created the division within our society for the benefit of the politicians.
Information and sources are plentiful either from the MSM or the opposition but how we use it for public interest is derived from our desire individually to create something that is truthful, with morality and humanity irrespective of our origin.
Dear People, only if you have the conviction for truth, morality & humanity, will you realize all the bickering, sniping serves no purpose for us individually but what we can do in enhancing a cause for a Malaysian society as it does not matter where the origin is ie politician, race, religion, color, creed for a better tomorrow in Malaysia.
Look at yourself in a collective manner in unity what you can do to enhance a Malaysian cause rather than finding fault at others for the humanity cause and that alone will ensure that the public has an upper hand against the politicians and their cronies.
R. Shan (Human Being)