Do we have capable leaders who can lead us?
By Masterwordsmith
Why do we elect political leaders? Is it because we want them to create jobs for us by encouraging economic activity thereby enhancing the welfare and well-being of their constituents? Or is it because we are relying on them to preserve the territorial integrity of Malaysia and in doing so, fulfill a host of other functions? More importantly, do our leaders have the calibre and ability to lead us?
It appears that some politicians have one major mission which is to get re-elected. While the primary responsibility is to the party and its members, they are really accountable to his constituents because they are the ones who elected them in the first place.
Well, the truth of the matter is that there are politicians and then there are POLITICIANS…..
In Malaysia, do we have statesmen or politicians or political leaders? In my view, there are many politicians but very few statesmen. Politicians are those who use ways and means to get themselves elected to power. They aspire for positions of power either as Members of Parliament of State Assemblymen. Ironically, once elected, they consider that position as their entitlement!!!
Sadly, today we can see some politicians who are considered as leaders but do not behave or think like leaders. When they are asked to give up their seat, they get angry and either sabotage, crossover or stand as an independent against the party which once supported him/her.
Although they are elected to represent the rakyat, they end up representing themselves or the party to whom they belong!!! What a pathetic state of affairs!
A cursory glance at many politicians in our country can show us we have a sizeable number who would have been long past their retirement age had they been in public service and who might not find employment anywhere else because of their age. A rationale for this age limit is the consideration that a person beyond 55 years is not considered to be productive. So how is it that people who are regarded as non-productive in the public sector because of their age be allowed to sit in seats of power in the government?
Despite the fact that their ‘lease’ of service has expired, they linger on to serve and hold on to every rein of power on which they can get their hands. Isn't it time for our government to establish an age limit for politicians and the maximum number of years that they can serve this country. Suffice to say that it is not good to be in the same seat of power for too long as there can be a greater tendency to abuse the position of power.
For some, their paper qualifications are largely unknown and one wonders how they can be at the helm of the affairs of the country if their educational level is questionable. In fact, there is one case where a particular candidate used falsified postgraduate qualifications from a mysterious educational institution during an election.
Tell me, how many statesmen in our country can stand in front of the mirror and proclaim with a clear conscience that he/she is blameless and clean before the rakyat?