Pornthip willing to conduct post mortem on Teoh

(The Star) – SHAH ALAM: Thai forensic pathologist Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand is willing to conduct a post mortem on Teoh Beng Hock if his remains were to be exhumed.

She told coroner Azmil Muntapha Abas she would be able to come up with a more concise and detailed analysis if she could examine Teoh’s remains.

To a question by counsel holding a watching brief for Teoh’s family, Gobind Singh Deo, Dr Pornthip said she would still be able to conduct the post mortem in spite of the deceased having been buried almost four months ago.

Asked whether the exhumation of Teoh’s remains for the purpose of the second post mortem would put her at a disadvantage, she said no.

She admitted that there would be “limitations” due to decomposition if a second postmortem was delayed.

However, she reiterated that she could still do so at this stage.

Meanwhile, counsel for the government – Tan Hock Chuan – ruffled Dr Pornthip’s feathers yesterday when he suggested she did not have the locus standi to arrive at her opinion.

“Since you did not conduct the post mortem or inspect the body or go to the scene of the incident and you are not furnished with all the reports and photos, is it appropriate to form an opinion on mathematical terms that suicide is 20% and homicide 80%?” asked Tan.

Dr Pornthip replied that she only based her opinion on the evidence provided.

She said she did not take sides and that her work involved taking care of the rights of the people, especially the dead.

When Tan rephrased his question to suggest that the limitations she faced could not have helped her arrive at her conclusion that it was 80% homicide and 20% suicide, Dr Pornthip replied: “It is my field, my work and I believe in that. It is more scientific.”

Dr Pornthip also said she did not agree with some of Universiti Malaya Medical Centre’s Dr Prashant Samberkar’s opinions, in particular that Teoh’s death could have been a suicide.

However, she said, she did not want to criticise the opinion of the other forensic pathologists.

She added that she wanted the press to know that her opinion was based on her years of experience and not aimed at contradicting the police or other medical professionals.

The inquest was adjourned to Nov 9.
