Re-registration of members/commenters (Updated 26/1/10)

Update 26/1/10 – The local Public Bank Account belonging to Marina Lee has been frozen so please do not make any payments into this bank account. Unfortunately the only option available right now is to pay through Paypal.

UpdateExisting members can now re-register by simply providing confirmation of payment & a new password, if you wish to keep your old username, to [email protected] .

Existing members who have not paid and re-registered will have their names removed from the member list, after which you will need to register as a new member.

Apologies to those who thought existing members don’t have to pay. Every member is equal and has to pay to comment.

To All Readers,

As you know, our MT site had been under constant attack last month resulting in significant downtime, inability to register new members, and generally, an inconvenience to you. As a result we had to put in new security measures which include the purchase of new and more robust servers, beefing up the registration procedures (more on it below) and some system redesign.

We apologize for the downtime and hope that the measures we have put in so far will result in a more stable and secure site. As these measures cost money, we are now rolling out a plan to charge a one-time fee of RM20 for registration of each member.

What You Need to Do:

New & Existing Members:

  1. Send email to [email protected] with your full name, username & password and contact telephone number.

  2. Password must use alphanumeric and non-alphanumeric keys. Combination of letters, numbers and at least one symbol.

  3. Since our loacl bank account has been frozen, the only option for now is paypal.  Please use paypal and pay GBP5 or USD8 to [email protected]
  4. Members who do not re-register within the timeframe provided will be deleted from the members’ list.


Once payment is confirmed, registration or re-registration will be completed within 48 hours.

Thank you for your understanding and support. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]

