Dear Tan Sri Megat Najmuddin Megat Khas

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I am very pleased to read the ‘open letter’ from my old friend Megat and thought I would respond with an open letter of my own. Yes, Megat and I go back a long way indeed, to 1963 to be exact. The last time we met was in Tengku Razaleigh’s house in 2007.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

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Dear Megat, it’s been a long time since I have heard from you. It is certainly nice to hear from you again. I missed you at Tengku Razaleigh’s Hari Raya open house last year because I had to spend not only Hari Raya but also my birthday in Kamunting. And this year I had to spend Hari Raya, as people say, on the run.

But I am not actually running as such, Megat. I wish I was though because, as you can see from this photograph of me with the two Mongolian girls, I have put on quite a bit of weight. Sigh…the good food and cigars are certainly talking its toll on my figure. But let me tell you, Megat, this does not keep the Mongolian girls away one bit, as you would be very pleased to know.

Hey, why don’t you go see Najib and tell him that he and Razak had to share one while I have two all to my own. That should piss him off. No, maybe tell Rosmah instead and then add ‘no wonder Malaysians just love Mongolians’. That should get her panties all twisted into knots.

I can see that you are very frustrated that the longer I remain underground the longer it will take to kick Najib out. However, as I have told Tengku Razaleigh’s boys so many times, Megat, we can only do so much. Tengku Razaleigh has to also do his part and get the nominations. Even if we do manage to bring Najib down it would be Muhyiddin and not Tengku Razaleigh who takes over if he can’t even get two nominations.

Back in 2004, Bul said he can get 60 nominations. Tengku Razaleigh ended up getting just one. Even that can’t be regarded as one but more like half since his own Wanita Bahagian did not nominate him. Then, in 2008, they again said they can get 60 nominations but, yet again, he ended up with only one.

So you see, Megat, what can we do if Tengku Razaleigh’s boys can’t deliver the promised nominations? Therefore, it really does not matter whether I walk into Kamunting or not. It will still not help Tengku Razaleigh become Prime Minister if his own boys are not doing their job. So I hope you do not start thinking that I have turned my back on Tengku Razaleigh.

I know you are keen for me to go to court so that my criminal defamation trial can proceed. Lokman and Nijhar also said exactly the same thing. Actually, my other trial, the sedition trial, is ongoing and far advanced compared to the criminal defamation, which has not even started yet. Why does no one talk about that trial?

Anyway, I doubt that even if the Colonel comes to court to testify that he was the one who informed me about what happened the night of Altantuya’s murder that would be strong enough to bring Najib down. Even Megat Junid and many others were involved in murder but that did not bring them down. I know Bul is hoping that the criminal defamation trial would proceed so that he can line up the witnesses to testify. I seriously doubt that this would be good enough for Najib to fall and for Tengku Razaleigh to take over. Furthermore, it could be Muhyiddin instead who takes over if Najib falls.

I know you are puzzled as to how I can support myself underground. Well, let me assure you of one thing. It is not Najib who is supporting me in an attempt to keep me away so that the truth will not surface. It is in fact the other way around. I am underground so that I can dig up more dirt and shit.

We all felt that if I sit in Kamunting this would not achieve anything. We have to look at what we can gain for the action we take. And we all felt that if I continue to remain free where I could dig up more dirt and shit then this would be better for the cause.

And that is why I am not in Kamunting — not because I am scared of Kamunting as you suggested. Just see what I have been able to do over the last one year while out of Kamunting. And we have lots more to come, Megat. I am completing my parts 2, parts 3, and so on, for the Carpetman cum Bagman cum Toyboy cum when Rosmah wants him to cum story. I hope to release the story soon. Now that is really going to get Rosmah’s panties all twisted into knots.

Anyway, take care, Megat, and do try to cut down on the booze and girls. You may not want to admit it but age is certainly catching up on us. And see you in Putrajaya when we march in to form the new government. I am really looking forward to that day, which may not be that long away.
