Christina Liew resigns as PKR supreme council member

(Bernama) — Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Sabah has suffered another blow, with Kota Kinabalu division chief Christina Liew announcing her resignation as a supreme council member today, following in the footsteps of PKR vice-president Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan.

Liew, who was replaced as Sabah PKR deputy chairman, said, however, that she would remain as a party member and retain the post of Kota Kinabalu division chief.

“I will be submitting my resignation letter to the party president today,” she told Bernama.

Liew said she had always believed that the party was fair and transparent until the appointment of Datuk Kong Hong Ming as PKR Sabah deputy chairman and Ahmad Thamrin Jaini as the party’s new chief in Sabah.

“My mum (mother) had to take the public humiliation of me being replaced (deputy chairman) for unknown reasons. I worked so hard for the last nine years to promote Sabah PKR. Since the party has disregarded my contribution, I will bow out with dignity now,” she said.

Dr Jeffrey had resigned as PKR vice-president and as a member of the supreme council and political bureau, dealing a major blow to the party’s attempt to strengthen itself in Sabah.

Dr Jeffrey, who is expected to send the resignation letter to the party headquarters by today, will remain as an ordinary member of the party, according to his former aide Kanul Gindol.

It is believed that many of the division chiefs, including Dr Jeffrey himself, were disappointed with the decision of PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to appoint Ahmad Thamrin as the party’s new chief in Sabah.

Sabahan Ahmad Thamrin was named as the new state PKR chief last weekend after a group of division chiefs expressed no-confidence in PKR vice-president Azmin Ali leading the state PKR.
