By Masterwordsmith
Three innocent girls perished in the tragic collapse of a three-week old suspension bridge in Kuala Dipant (near Kampar) yesterday. What is most shocking is the statement from our Deputy Prime Minister as reported in The Malaysian Insider:
“At this point, we do not know yet how the bridge collapsed, and whether it has to do with negligence in terms of maintenance of the bridge or whether it is faulty structure,” he told a press conference after visiting the site.
“From what I was told, the bridge was a contribution from a company to the district education department. We will investigate to see if the structure had followed proper specifications.
“Even though the bridge is a donation or a contribution, we must ensure that it was properly constructed,” he said.
The three victims, Diryasree a/p Vasudevan, 12, of Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Tamil (SJKT) Gopeng, Davadharshini a/p Maheswaran, 11, of SJKT Mambang Di Awan and Dina Deve a/p Nathan, 11, of SJKT Mambang Di Awan, drowned in the incident. They were among the 298 pupils from 60 primary schools in Kampar, Tronoh and Batu Gajah who were to participate in a 1Malaysiacamp organised by the Kinta Selatan District Education Department starting yesterday.
Without a doubt, this is 1Tragic Accident that resulted from SHEER NEGLIGENCE that occurred in an outing that was held to satisfy some egomaniac's ego that "Malaysia Boleh"!! Due to blind enthusiasm in promoting political agenda, safety precautions were obviously overlooked and the authorities do not seem to have determined that everything about the campsite met safety standards BEFORE the camp!!!
What have we in Malaysia? We have seen buildings collapse, even the roof of the RM300mil Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin Stadium in Gong Badak collapsed . Ceiling panels at the Jalan Duta Court Complex collapsed, Perak State Parks Corporation Complex in Pulau Bandingcollapsed, and now a 3-week old bridge collapsed in Perak!!!