MCA’s Three Stooges and a Dirty Dozen

By I Love Malaysia

15 MCA leaders were present during the show of force at Liow Tiong Lai’s press conference which hit out at Ong Tee Keat on October 27. Here’s a run down of why they became hardcore Third Force.

Let’s start with the 3 Stooges:

1) Liow Tiong Lai – he’s a heartbeat away from becoming MCA president. If he succeeds in toppling OTK, he becomes the president. In corporate circles, that’s call backdoor listing. And he’s promised to reward a whole lot of people when the mutiny succeeds.

2) Wee Ka Siong – he wants to be Transport Minister. He has a Ph.D in transport from UTM and in terms of hierarchy, he’s next in line. Three of the four VPs are already ministers and the 4th is an Adun and an exco in Johor.

3) Chew Mei Fun – the Hainanese who turned against her fellow Hainanese president OTK was promised the Tourism Minister’s job. And oh yeah, what the hell does a person who lost massively in PJ Utara cares about OTK? She’s gonna be made Minister, man, wooohooooo!!


Camp Ong Ka Ting

The former MCA president still has unfinished business in supporting his own elder brother Ka Chuan as president. He wants to topple OTK towards this end. Top on the list of his supporters is actually a woman – Chew Mei Fun (see above). Ka Ting’s men are:

4) Wee Jeck Seng – The deputy minister of youth and sports was former political secretary to Ka Ting when the latter was the Housing and Local Government Minister. WJS is one of the 3-member “snoop squad” which was tasked with trying to secretly film Ka Ting’s political rivals in compromising positions. The others are Liow Tiong Lai and Tee Ann Chuan.

5) Ho Kok Chung – Ong Ka Ting plucked the former UM lecturer from nowhere and got him to stand in the 2008 general election. When it dawned upon Ka Ting that he didn’t have enough MPs to fill Cabinet posts, he made Kok Chung the deputy higher education minister. For this, Kok Chung is eternally grateful to Ka Ting for being able to leave the ivory tower for a world of raw power.

6) Yu Chok Tow – What can we say about this woman? Ka Ting loved her to bits and even wanted to promote her as deputy minister. Too bad, she lost terribly to an Indian candidate from DAP in the Seremban Parliamentary seat during the 2008 GE.

Camp Chan Kong Choy

The former MCA deputy president who quit under a cloud for his involvement in the PKFZ scandal has been jumpy since the day OTK opened up the files on the Mother of All Corruptions in Malaysia. CKC actually had good relations with OTK, but when the former saw a golden opportunity to get rid of the erratic OTK for Liow, he couldn’t resist. Liow, the Bentong MP, is considered Bentong-born CKC’s protege. And weakling Liow is much easier to control than OTK.

7) Wyman Yoo Wei How – He served as CKC’s political secretary, then as Liow’s political secretary. OTK took heavy blows from his own hardcore supporters when he insisted Wyman be made the National Organising Secretary. But Wyman’s loyalty is with his ex-bosses, not the party president.

8) Hoh Khai Mun – The Pahang MCA chairman would die for CKC and they both go back a long way. The Pahang exco also hails from Bentong, the same town as CKC.

9) Chai Kim Sen – He has been close to CKC since they were in the Youth days. CKC gave him the Datukship and loads of contracts in between. A businessman, he also gets contracts from Liow and even pays Wyman, technically jobless, a handsome allowance every month. OTK thought Chai Kim Sen is a good man and appointed him into the MCA CC. And what did Chai Kim Sen do? Stab OTK in the back, what else?

10) Gan Hong Su – This man’s links with CKC is fairly limited but is the drinking buddy of Wyman. Let’s just say they both have exquisite taste in the finer things in life, which may not necessarily be legal or moral. But who cares about moral these days? If he did, he would not have stabbed OTK in the back although the MCA president was the one who appointed him into the CC.

11) Wong Siong Hwee – The Kelantan Senator is not only a beneficiary to the largesse during CKC’s heydays. They share the same brotherhood – the triads brotherhood.


The neither-here-nor-there camp

12) Liew Yuen Keong – If MCA were a massive tank in a biological science lab, this man would be the invertebrate – he is spineless. He can’t make up his mind which side to support. During the EGM, he was OTK’s chief scrutineer. A few days later, he swung to The Dark Side. During Team A – Team B, his famous quote was that his “body is in Team B, soul in Team A“.

13) Gan Tian Loo – His father, veteran MCA leader Gan Boon Leong may be an ex-Mr Asia for body building. But Gan Jr is a wimp of Herculean proportions. He told a hardcore MCA supporter that he showed up at the press conference because he was harassed to. Yeap, that’s the kind of excuse you get from wimps, who can’t even think of a better lie.

14) Lee Wei Kiat – He garnered the highest votes in the central committee during the 2008 MCA election. And you know what they say about those people with high votes – they are not popular, they just play both sides. Oh, he’s another snake alright. OTK made him a salaried special officer in the Ministry of Transport (even topped up his salary) made him official MCA spokesman and a director in Wisma MCA Sdn Bhd. And he repays the gratitude by turning against OTK.


The cover-up camp

15) Chor Chee Heung – In the 2005 MCA election, he fought for the VP post and lost. In 2008, he downgraded himself and fought for central committee – and lost again. OTK gave him a lifeline and appointed him into the central committee. He has only one reason to bite the hand that feeds him – he doesn’t want his own hands to be handcuffed. Deputy Finance Minister Chor, neither a hardcore Ka Ting nor Kong Choy man, is the only serving government leader implicated in the Price Waterhouse Cooper’s report on PKFZ. If OTK is gone, the close buddy to Tiong King Sing is assured that there will be no more action against him.
