Open letter to Anwar Ibrahim
By Truthbespoken
Leaders must exert leadership qualities. Good leaders must exert fair and firm leadership for the benefit of all. In recent times, Anwar Ibrahim is perceived to be a fumbling opposition leader.
There are many contradictory signals over his unusual silence over issues of public interest. Perhaps, his deafening silence could even be attributed by many on his inability to reconcile with his old UMNO ways and inherent fear of diluting the power of Ketuanan Melayu through the process of Islamization of the country and his fervent quest to be PM, a post that previously eluded him, from the opposition bench.
At the rate things are going, PR as a loose coalition apparently led by Anwar, is sure to slip down the political ladder, eventually swallowed up by UMNO’s evil propaganda and powerful machinery and quickly go the way of a lost-cause political group much in the same vein of those UMNO’s slave dogs ala MCA, MIC and PBS.
In addition to this, whether one likes it or not, PR’s political slide downhill since 308 and the Perak Debacle could even be further quickened by Najib’s current inclusive-leadership style though many will be also be quick to acknowledge his methods are still very much through UMNO’s traditional deceptive ways.
Anwar Ibrahim must walk out clearly from his own shadow, still greyish to many, and show the opposition forces and good people of Malaysia that he is indeed committed to a true Malaysian cause devoid of doubts but with only a clear mind and heart, a clear conscience. Practised with firmness and consistency, only then can Anwar convince the people he can hold the PR’s flag high up and fight a good fight to successfully dislodge the ever corrupt and arrogant UMNO from further ruling the country. Sporadic rhetoric won’t do.
Malaysians cannot afford to have another PM, especially if it should come from the opposition bench, who is inclined towards exhibiting some signs of UMNO’s screwed-up mentality and hegemonic ways of achieving personal and sectarian interest always against the larger well-being of all Malaysians.
Dear Saudara Anwar, continue to lead PR if you must but please show more traits of a firm and consistent Malaysian leader fully committed to the Malaysian cause. Wonderful things and miracles do happen if one stays firmly positive with a clear conscience and persist with one’s own noble national pursuits. More so..if there are constant prayers and unwavering support from the public. Hope you will concur with this opinion but more importantly, it is to deliver. Best regards.