Do you think PR is the only way out from the cesspool?

By R. Shan (Human Being)

I don’t think so.

First, we must understand the correlation between inequality and democracy in a society. Which inequality are we referring to – theories of functionality, conflict or unified theory? If we look at economics then it’s the inequality of monetary and the so-called GDP and what not that is preached.

Based on this, the highest inequality in monetary terms lies with Hong Kong, Singapore and United States. See,3343,en_2649_33933_41460917_1_1_1_1,00.html.

However, when we look at inequality in terms of fairness, then the variable substances or metric to equate or classify inequality extends beyond economics and to the progress of a nation and its well being.     

All speeches/statements that talk of this one metric based on monetary development, whether from BN or PR, is based on the progress of the nation in monetary sense without any real sense for the progress of its people. 

Why I say this is very simple. We all know that the three pillars of democracy ie legislative, judiciary and executive and now the forth pillar media works in tandem in Malaysia to suppress the public.

What have we as the public done for the last 52 years, and when had we had the opportunity to turn the tide in GE12?

Now, why these pillars are able to sustain their agenda only lends credence to the public who would rather live with it than question it no matter how the crusaders try to educate us otherwise. Even if certain segments come forward to question inequality, it is shot down with race, religion and everything else as long as it does not affect our own individual status quo as we fail to lend a hand in action but only through being armchair critics.

Pakatan Rakyat or the the so-called opposition runs on the same thread as the ruling administration in their vindication that they will make the change when the change is artificial to the actual needs of the real hardcore Malaysian community that faces inequality.

The Pakatan Raykat coalition which itself is a coalition based on race segregation is yet to fine tune a truly Bangsa Malaysia concept since they continue to fail to see the depletion of a certain segment of their community. Barisan National, although has been lacadaisical all this while, have picked up their gear no matter how farfetched it has been to find a way to indulge those segments of society even by breaking its protocols.

Now, you would be wondering what my equation of inequality to democracy is and why PKR is not the only way out of the cesspool.  

Democracy is a fallacy when there is inequality in the progress of the nation and its people. We, the people, have realized the inequation of the community yet still adhere to hypocrisies because we do not want to rock the status quo.

Today, we have the option to stand tall and heed the call in unity to get us out of this cesspool. The effort has to come through us and only through us in unity can we dictate and chart the path of the nation for all our brothers and sisters.

This is only possible if we are matured enough to see the truth in our own wisdom and through our stream of consciousness for a just and fair cause for our fellow brethren.

Viva Malaysia and my Malaysians as this is our motherland and it is in our hands to make the change. Trust me, I have more trust in my fellow Malaysians individually irrespective of origin than an artificial system that dictates us for their own needs, whether BN or PR. 

People, we are the strength, and without us all these politicians mean nothing. People Power is priceless and it is up to us in unity to enhance this.
