Sewer Journalism at its best
By: Choo Sing Chye
When I flipped open the newspaper the other day, I noticed a report that caught my eyes. It was about a report on the ‘special relationship’ between Anwar and Azmin.
I read it with disdain because it was iniquitous and deceitful. It was devoid of any news value.
Was it a plant to mislead readers to prejudge? Conspicuously, they will, if they are not careful about the trappings of the report which were laced with shadowy sexual intonations?
In the report, Nalla claimed that there was a ‘special relationship’ between Anwar and Azmin and then followed by a few other jokers mouthing the relationship in chorus.
Why the hell did the paper see fit to print this report? There were no specifics as to what ‘special relationship’ meant. It was speculative, it could mean something sexual or nothing. But the slant of the report makes it suspicious, I mean very suspicious.
Well all the while, I honestly thought that local journalism and electronic media had hit rock bottom a few months ago when they gave credence to the T4BH (Truth for Teoh Beng Hock) blog.
Hell, was I wrong!
Leave it to the local media, they are so intuitive that they will somehow or rather locate ways to hit new bottoms undeniably lower than the one they had landed previously.
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