Fallacies, Fools and Facts

By Masterwordsmith

What do you see when you enter a news portal in cyberspace? We are faced with an onslaught of headlines deriding the folly of political leaders as demonstrated in their actions or lack of it, protests about the discriminatory ways in which laws are enforced to gladden the hearts of a wicked crust of society, battles between individuals fighting for higher positions of power – the list is endless.

Such is the pathetic state we see before us. It is about in-fighting, nepotism, cronyism, racism, corruption, power struggles to strengthen their own positions, the despicable low-handed manner in which some try to reinforce their strongholds, slime balls lolling in mire that is as black as their evil hearts.

Do our leaders lead the country and the people to a better future, the ones who elected them to power? Instead, they squabble amongst themselves, then they sing their differences for thegreater good of their party, meet to talk balderdash and then make incredulous announcements that rattle the already shaky stock market. It is nothing but an Catch 22 situation of moronic creatures masquerading as Einstein wannabes or Churchill fakes that lead the people into a maze of confusion till many lose their vision. The leaders spew crap and expect us to swallow their fallacies and carefully packaged PR myths.
Since I am retired and have lots of time on my hands, I have modified some of my lecture notes forFallacies of Thoughts in the context of Malaysian politics. I believe it is important to understand the context and motivation of their messages and spin tales to avoid being beguiled or swayed by their propaganda.

Read more at: http://masterwordsmith-unplugged.blogspot.com/2009/11/fallacies-fools-and-facts.html
