Khalid: Another perspective (with Bahasa translation)

I posted an article on Tan Sri Khalid last week. Mr Integrity I called him. And the comments posted by our friends reaffirmed this. But I have also received e-mails that asked me to look at another aspect of how things are in Selangor.

Pak, they tell me, you must understand that Tan Sri is not helping ANYONE! The developers cannot develop their own land. No new business ventures are taking place. Old contracts between State Agencies and UMNO cronies that did not perform were terminated. And yet, our offers to replace these terminated contractors are not considered. Not even when we are financially and technically able to take over from the terminated contractors!   
Others say: Pak I have been with PKR from the start. After many years of struggling with PKR we have Selangor. And we now want economic change and we want business opportunities for ourselves in Selangor. Not negotiated tenders, not inflated tender prices, not handouts from the State Government – just real business opportunities. So that we can have the financial resources to continue our battle at par with those who are in UMNO.
Did I know that TS Khalid had already faced a vote of ‘no confidence’ from his own bahagian/ cabang? That there was a huge banner placed in his own constituency conveying these feelings amongst PKR Selangor to TS Khalid? He might think he is popular but he may be the cause of PR losing Selangor come the next General Election! So they tell me ….

As I read, I understood what it is that they are telling me: Selangor is the most economically developed State in Malaysia. There is no doubt that Tan Sri has been running a tight ship. The free water for its people was the result of an  effective cost-cutting measure that he has implemented. There was open government and accountability within the state government. But while the affairs of state are moving along, the affairs of PKR in Selangor need to be addressed by Tan Sri.

Read more at: Khalid: Another perspective – (Bahasa berikut)
