Malaysia’s 7th prime minister
Like millions of other Malaysians I was looking forward gleefully to witnessing a Pakatan Rakyat government installed in Putrajaya after 16 September 2008 – with Anwar Ibrahim as our sixth prime minister.
Sixth… or seventh… it doesn’t matter. I remain convinced that Anwar has the necessary experience to steer the nation clear of some treacherous reefs looming ahead.
Some of my friends say they would rather see Zaid Ibrahim (right) as PM. I’m a great admirer of Zaid Ibrahim and have no problem seeing him become prime minister one of these days. For that matter, Nizar Jamaluddin has also been described as prime minister material – but before he stands a chance of being appointed to the nation’s highest office, his political party will have to shed some of the theological deadwood it is currently burdened with.
In any case, so long as Anwar Ibrahim is in good health and willing to take on the responsibility, I would still prefer that the PM’s job go to him. Not only does he have 16 years’ experience under his belt as part of the Umno/BN regime under Mahathir, but he has also been initiated into the shadow side of power. Anwar has an intimate understanding of how precarious and illusory worldly power and status can be, having been at the receiving end of Mahathir’s gross abuse of power back in 1998. I’m convinced that anyone who has survived such a nightmarish ordeal would have learned to cherish the true meaning of freedom and justice.