Malaysian Judges: Hall of Shame
DISGRACE#01 Mohd Eusoff Chin, Chief Justice of Malaysia from 1994 – 2000, subjected himself to the worst kind of corruption, by ‘tagging’ along lawyer V.K. Lingam on a family vacation in New Zealand in 1994. He subsequently lied to the Royal Commission of Inquiry on the Lingam tape scandal.
DISGRACE#02 S. Augustine Paul, currently Federal Court judge, subjected himself to be a political whore when in 1998, while being a Kuala Lumpur high court judge, participated in the political conspiracy orchestrated by then prime minister Mahathir Mohamad. He put through a show trial of then-deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim and subsequently convicted the latter of sodomy and corruption. Among his notorieties, he allowed the prosecution to change the time of offence three times when Anwar’s lawyers provided the alibi.