Is ANWAR making a secret pact with NAJIB?

By Wong Mun Chee

The latest warning by RPK on the possible fall of the Pakatan government in Selangor in January 2010 is not a matter to be taken lightly by the rakyat, let alone those politicians.

UMNO only needs 16 ADUN seats to take control and currently only 15 with that traitor Badrul Hisham having sworn his allegiance to UMNO. Looking at the 15 ADUN seats of PKR, 8 ADUN of PAS, the BN government does not need much to cut a deal.

Now look at my conspiracy theory.

Jeffrey Kitingan & Zaid Ibrahim seems to be at a tangent elsewhere stressing importance on real differences and actual reforms rather than the rhetoric according to their party leader’s sentiment from the three opposition coalition partners to maintain their status quo. I am not a judge of the opposition’s sincerity but do applaud Jeffrey & Zaid Ibrahim that they are considering and are able to engage any segment that foresees a better future for the nation.

It appears they are able to identify and seek what is actually lacking by way of performance and indentifying what is for the goodwill of the public rather than being naturally played down in their importance for what the coalition partners need to serve themselves.

Look at the opposition in power in their respective states – many grouses and yet there is no actual real change and reformation for the community as a whole.

Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, without any doubt having been an UMNO man, has suffered his share of glorious days and later his inglorious days over the last decade. He seems to be the charismatic leader that we the public aspire for to lead us.        

Here again, I wonder. Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim has been very silent for the last four months except for his court dates that are constantly postponed due to the various applications by his lawyers and the usual rhetoric. Fair enough, you need to exhaust all available remedies to seek what is just and fair, as nothing has been transparent in Malaysia whether it is BN or opposition.

Without doubt, the judicial system is incorrigible. Yet what we have here is a clear cut sodomy trial on Anwar, similar to history repeating itself. Naturally it is unjust for the defendant not being provided with evidence that could cause the defendant’s case to be ambushed.

Section 24 of the newly passed DNA bill is fallible as something should not be conclusive proof when other overriding factors need to be considered (human errors i.e. passing of the evidence from the hospital, the environment and the gate keepers). If it is conclusive then where is the basis of innocence until proven guilty? If such is the case then why do we need a judiciary system?

I do agree that we live in a climate of UMNO distortion and manipulation but what baffles me is why Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim has been assuaging the importance of Jeffrey Kitingan & Zaid Ibrahim against the tide of the public’s need or support.

I don’t know whether a deal has been sealed, but definitely something is amisse here. Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, along with the other coalition leaders, should come outright and deal with public conscience mavericks such as Jeffrey & Zaid and for that matter HINDRAF if the purpose serves the public rather than treating them as a hindrance to their own needs.

Is Anwar making a pact with Najib? Only Anwar can answer this question. 

Something is missing in the jigsaw puzzle of the opposition’s moves. Let’s get it straight and move ahead for the community.

The world of politics is enigmatic. Today you are the angel and tomorrow you can be the devil. So Anwar, come out straight and tell us, are you making a secret pact with Najib in the Bolehland of Malaysia for your own survival?
