Entitlement Syndrome – an UMNO disease

By Steadyaku47

Who are these people that takes hundreds and hundreds of million of ringgits of the Rakyat’s money and make it their own? Who exactly is making that decision to allow them to do so? Is it Parliament? Cabinet? Or is it the Prime Minister himself? What allows these greedy money grabbing ‘businessman” to have access to their ill gotten gains?
If you all read what I write then you must have seen the posting I did yesterday of Antares “Mahathir’s Dodo Dynasty” – an amazing display of Mukriz wealth. You all must wonder where did he get all that money from?
For a start having Mahathir as your Father helps…it helps a lot. Hell I would even venture to say that that was the only reason why he is so rich! In Malaysia we have this disease call the Entitlement Syndrome. It is a mental illness common amongst UMNO Political Elites and their cronies. Those little people in UMNO (from AJK Cawangan to the Ketua Bahagians have it too – but we want to talk about the elites here – not the ikan bilis!)    
Not to be confused with the other disease GREED.
This illness is a cancer common amongst the children of Former Prime Minsters of Malaysia and all those that consider themselves part of  Barisan Nasional  “elites” – their cronies and hanger ons. They are addicted to fame and mostly fortune. Because they have not been brought up to understand responsibility as children they feel themselves entitled to not only what they need but also to what they want. Their hunger for material things is insatiable. If they could they will elect themselves GOD.

Only source of Funds: The Rakyat’s money.

Read more at: Entitlement Syndrome – an UMNO disease
