Please Stage a Collective Walkout If the Speaker of Parliament Rejects in Chambers the Emergency Motion in the Parliament to Stop the Wanton Police Shooting and Killing

By N. Naragan

I have received information that the MP for Ipoh Barat YB M. Kula Segaran has submitted a notice to the Dewan Rakyat Speaker he intends to raise in Parliament on Wednesday, 18.11.09.


I refer to my letter of the 15th of November, 2009, requesting of all of you Honorable Pakatan MPs, the following, in the current sitting of the parliament:

1) To pass an emergency motion calling for an immediate moratorium on all police killings, whether encounter killings or killings in Police custody

2) In that same motion to include a call for setting up of a Royal Commission of Inquiry much like the one set up for Teoh Beng Hock’s case to investigate all these extrajudicial killings of suspected criminals, during the tenure of current IGP Musa Hassan.

3) In that same motion to also call for the prosecution of the police who are responsible for the killings, because it is non prosecution of such police personnel responsible for the killing that results in a continuation of the killing.

I have received information that the MP for Ipoh Barat YB M. Kula Segaran has submitted a notice to the Dewan Rakyat Speaker he intends to raise in Parliament on Wednesday, 18.11.09  urging the BN government to set up a “Peyiasatan Terbuka keatas tindakan pihak polis terhadap lima lelaki yang telah ditembak mati di Klang pada”.  Even though this falls short of what we asked for, we will go along with this.

I also understand that the Speaker of the Parliament, in any case, has to allow this motion to be debated. There now hangs the possibility that this motion may be rejected in Chambers by the Speaker and a debate and a vote may not occur and this motion may not see the light of day.

If this does indeed come to pass, then as a next step I suggest that the PR MP’s plan to stage a collective walkout to register your protest at this insensitive and unreasonable dismissal. It is our opinion that a serious matter such as this cannot be dismissed by the BN Speaker , at a time when the PDRM seems to be on a rampage.

The PDRM, inspite of being only one arm of the government – is assuming the role of the Prosecutor, Jury, Judge and Executioner in carrying out these extra judicial killings by shooting. The PDRM  has committed a serious breach of the covenants of our country. If the Speaker of the house disallows debate of such a serious matter he cannot be an astute or wise leader of such an August body. The Speaker’s and the ruling BN Government’s ineptitude on this matter must be exposed. A collective walkout by all 82 members of the PR coalition will focus National attention on this issue and the position of the BN and the BN Speaker on this issue.

All of you  who form the the PR coalition need to distinguish yourselves from the UMNO led and bankrupt BN coalition. It is time you showed some leadership. We are tired of petty politics. Public opinion is now swinging away from PR and what I am suggesting will certainly start to turn the tide on that public opinion. I am speaking from the ground and I can feel the pulse here on the ground. We do not want histrionics, we do not want empty promises, we do not want race based petty political calculations. We want true representation . We want true leadership.

As I had mentioned in my previous letter, this is a tremendous opportunity for the PR coalition to win back some of the eroding goodwill of the rakyat, that manifested itself in great abundance in the March 2008 elections.

This public opinion tide can be turned, If you choose to. If the Speaker disallows the motion, just stage a collective walkout.

Will you do this. We wait to see.
