Who will pay for the cost of all these lives and for all the lost human opportunities?

By Naragan N.

Yesterday at 3.05pm, Seetha succumbed to the paraquat she consumed in her grief over the death of her brother Surendran, who was brutally murdered by the Police. The police now have a lot of blood on their hands.

They are running riot over the Indians in this country. Not only the police, but the Power Elite of the country. Indian lives have become cheap, so cheap that nothing that we say in these columns or anywhere else matters to them. They probably think they could do without these troublesome Indians anyway, just too much trouble.

In spite of so much expression of grievances about the dire situation that prevails the Indian working poor, this cruel and tyrannous UMNO government has not done anything to positively address the problems of the trap of poverty. Everyday we read of this development program, that development program, but what development program are for these Indian poor – can anyone tell? This is after all the loud rumbling over the last two years. They have chosen to remain deaf. Instead they have given the Police another billion ringgit to buy more guns to shoot more Indians.

Who made Surendran a criminal? Who imported the Paraquat that killed Seetha? Who is doing all the weedkilling with Paraquat in spite of the widely known dangers? Who blocked Seetha from a decent life? Who is responsible for her father being a security guard and her husband a lorry driver? Who will now look after the 4 little ones? Who will pay for the cost of all these lives and for all the lost human opportunities? This is again another major call to the BN Government at the federal level and the PR Governments at the state level to get serious about doing the right things, not the expedient things to resolve the question of the Indian poor. Stop playing games. The situation is getting worse with every passing year.

Now the police will brandish the letter they say that Seetha wrote in her final days saying her consuming the Paraquat had nothing do with her brother’s death. One must think the police are indeed very considerate to relieve her brother of any blame for his sister’s death. They will now prosecute her husband saying he already had paraquat in his Gemencheh house and she had brought it from there to consume it in Klang because of some problem with him. The police for their part are becoming too much of a danger to the well being of this country. They are corrupt, they are trigger happy, they are losing their moral authority to police this country. They are behaving no better than the criminals they are supposed to protect us from. They reign supreme.

All of this must stop. All this must change. Let us all work on changing this.

And May Seetha’s Soul Rest In Peace – Om Shanti.
