Devilish Deeds

The harmony and well-being of a people is based on a there being mutual respect. In a world that has become deeply intertwined and interdependent, our cultural and religious diversity often become more visible. For this very reason, ensuring we can ill afford to have religious fascists and zealots trampling on the human rights of others and, in the process, destroying the ethos of what makes a multicultural society tenable.

By G. Krishnan

We cannot have a regime that speaks about multiracialism, multiculturalism, and religious tolerance but then tacitly permits its religious bigots and fascists to reign supreme in order to impose a fundamentalist orthodoxy. There is no doubt in my mind that this is an issue for all moderate and fair-minded Malaysian to take to heart and to be firm with their politicians about.

While the whole process of Arabization of Malay and Malaysian culture may be cause for celebration for some and a matter of deep consternation yet for others, I’m less here concerned about this trend – albeit that I personally find it regrettable, since it shows precisely how insecure so many of my fellow Malaysians seem to be about the richness of Malay culture that they feel compelled to latch on to Arab-based cultural trappings. But, as the saying goes: to each his own.

And here is precisely where the Umno regime has failed and failed miserably, time and again.

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