It’s the Corruption Stupid!
It was corruption during Mahathir’s time, during Pak Lah’s time and it is still corruption now during Najib’s time! I have found it fascinating observing how the Malaysian voters think. They do not care about policy. The do not care about honesty. They want the politicians to tell them what they want to hear – when willl they get the roads built? The longkang repaired? Their temples rebuild? Their mosque air conditioned? Their land title? The cost of petrol reduced?
By Steadyaku47
UMNO knows that voters are emotional. UMNO work on the premise that voters are stupid. Stupid people votes are just as good as other people’s vote. Ignorant voters are easy target for manupalitive politicians. They will tell the voters what good is a politician without power? What good is your candidate without a position in government? And so the stupid voters vote in their manipulative candidates and there we have a merry mixture of “I want” from the voters and “I give” from the politicians…not for the greater good of the nation but that is what it takes to keep him in power and keep his voters contented.