What the Greater Unity Plan involves and implies
By Thomas Lee
(1) Ignoring and dismissing the majority will of the party central delegates in wanting to remove the top two leaders by claiming that they lack the two-third vote to effect the dismissal, but not acepting the fact that the top two lack the support of more than half of the grassroots delegates.
(5) The removal of the women chief and youth leader from their legitimate positions as members of the presidential council is the height of authoritarian power practice as both are ex-officio vice-presidents. The derogatory and demeaning treatment of these two elected leaders is further debased by the appointment of their subordinates in their place. Such a detestable action, semblable to the fascism of the tyrannical rule of Hitler, by a dictatorial president cannot be ignored and tolerated by the grassroots members.
(6) The interference and intervention of power forces from outside the party to effect the so-called Greater Unity Plan have shown the party to be a mere powerless puppet, a castrated political eunuch, in the national political arena and, hence, not worthy of support by the community it purportedly represents. The party has lost face and it will never recover from this current shameful episode. The beginning of the end of the party has started and the momentum of its dismantle is gaining strength, and the next general election will be its funeral and burial.
Quo vadis, MCA?