All Malaysians do is shake their Head

By Michael Chick

When there is news of an earthquake, people watch it on the news. and shake their head.

When there is news of a Mongolian girl who was bombed, Malaysians shake their head again.

When there is news of fellow humans being sold, Malaysians just shake their head.

Best-case-scenario, you’d say, “How can like-that?” Yes, best-case-scenario! Some may even “tsk-tsk-tsk” to themselves. 

In general, Malaysians not only shake their heads, they cover their eyes as well. And some, even turn away. Yes, you might feel guilty for about 2.3 seconds, fish out a crumpled 2 ringgit note, and dump it into the “Charity Box”, and then walk away feeling fantastic that you did something wonderful that day. And every six months to a year, Malaysians would experience this euphoria. Be it a Salvation Army coin-box, or a beggars’ bowl. Those few pathetic coins you put in does a complete “buy-out” of your guilt. 

Then you have all these religious groups who rush out to such places, I term them “Disaster Tourists”. And be it the Koran, the Bible, and in some cases the Sai Baba books, many go out to preach their brand of religion while handing out relief. Building “Treasures-in-Heaven”, “Pahala”, or “Karma” seems to be the only selfish reasons people do any charity work at all. How embarrassing! How pathetic !!! 

For the past couple of years, I’ve watched 12 year old girls sold on the streets for sexual gratification. 7year old boys who were sodomized by pedophiles. Workers returning from Arab countries who were raped on a daily basis, by their employers, as well as all their visiting friends, and held captive like dogs! People without arms, and legs due to landmines still actively laid out (just like the opening montage in Rambo 4). Dead bodies pulled out of disaster zones. Matching human limbs to the rest of the body, or hearing the screams, cries and moans of a child who was raped by her own biological father!

Malaysians are too comfortable. Malaysians have it too good. Malaysians are pathetic! 

A lot of you will probably give lame excuses like, “That is not my job”, “Why don’t you ask so-and-so to do it.”, “Aiyo, so dangerous wan..”, “I am too busy”, “I have to work to put food on the table”,”That is the government’s duty”,  and so on. And some might also say, “That will never happen to me”. Those who try to respond,” What can I do?”, or “What to do?” do not actually want to hear an answer. It is a non-rhetorical question. It  pathetically translates to “I can do nothing”, instead of “Instruct me, and I will go and do it”. 

Apathy. That best describes Malaysians.

And now to address the Malaysian government. You accuse Malaysians of insulting Islam. In fact, you accuse Malaysians of all sorts of things. In fact, on the international scene, you have also accused other countries of attacking Islam. Proven by street demonstrations and all. 

Well, have a look here then: (WARNING !! Extremely Graphic Material):

Why has the Malaysian government not issued any Fatwa against these monsters who, in-the-name-of-Islam have committed the atrocities? They even started beheading teenagers in the video links above. I’m talking about slowly and painfully cutting the throats of these people with a dull knife. Slowly sawing away while the victim moans, groans, screams, shouts, and vomits! Surely, that cannot be glorifying Islam !! Why hasn’t an edict been issued? Not even a slap on the wrist!! Nor even a passing comment. Why ?? Are you blind? 

The most recent beheading case is the school teacher who was beheaded in the Philippines. Read the BBC report here:

And Pakistan is seeing bombs go off every single day!!! All in the name of Islam !! Surely UMNO cannot agree to this!! Why no statement? Show that you love Islam. Show the world that Malaysia is against insulting Islam !! Be the first !!  

The man on the street will probably say “Malaysian Government has NO BALLS!” or “No Brains”. 

Read any of the articles here

Fortunately for UMNO, Malaysians simply don’t care, and that is how you get away with it…

Any fool can come up with a thousand excuses not to do anything. You only need one to do one thing, and that is, “I will make a difference from today onwards…” 

God Bless or Blast Malaysia; it’s your choice. Or just continue shaking your head forever…
