Get ready to Puke!
Have you ever seen an official website that appears to be promising the sun and moon and stars or almost anything in the solar system served with showers of blessings from up above and yet is actually nothing but a hollow tin that sounds worse than the clanging of a Milo tin in the recycling shop? Click here and you will know what I mean.
By Masterwordsmith
When I first sauntered into that website, I thought “Wow – nice template” with impressive slides. I was reeling in stupor when I read further about this GOVERNMENT TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM that promised “Big Results Fast”.
Hmmm. Are we supposed to be excited over that catch phrase that was probably created by an international PR company? Or are we supposed to be shocked that some people think we can be so dumb to buy such online balderdash????
Allow me to share with you its aims. A word of caution. Kindly prepare a bowl or paper bag in case you puke while reading it and the vomit splatters on your pc screen or worse still your keyboard!!!
Are you ready for shock treatment? Yea…Let’s hit it baby!
According to that website, it will focus on what the rakyat wants and needs (“People First”) through ensuring fast delivery of results (“Performance Now”) to contribute to 1Malaysia and Vision 2020.
For more horrific details, click THIS LINK to access six ‘wonderful’ key areas, each of which has not been given any embellishment of details!
Now if you are still not feeling nauseous, allow me to share with you the purpose of this program. Brace yourself for the worst…
The Government Transformation Program (GTP) was mooted and introduced by the Prime Minister to uplift the quality of life for all Malaysians to increase Malaysia’s resilience and competitiveness.
The aim of GTP is two-fold including transforming the government to be more effective and accountable and secondly, to catapult Malaysia into an advanced, united, safe and just society with a high quality of life for all.
And may we all ask HOW will this be done? A good way to begin is to spell out details as to how the RM67 billion stimulus package was that was unveiled in November 2008 and the March package of RM7 billion was disbursed and the results of this ‘stimulus’ in a formal report.
When I trawled the net for information, I managed to find the PM’s explanation OVER HERE where he claimed that both packages “are on track and beginning to have a positive impact on the economy”.
CLICK HERE to access a ppt file on the Malaysian Economic Stimulus Package 2009-2010.
The Malaysian Insider AT THIS LINK reported:
The government’s RM7 billion stimulus package is seen to have a neutral effect on the economy with the financial markets being weighed down by slowing growth, an analyst said today.
Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak announced yesterday that 2009 growth rates will slide to 3.5 percent from the initial forecast of 5.4 percent while the 2008 gross domestic product (GDP) growth will contract to 5.0 percent from 5.7 percent.
“My sense is that the 3.5 per cent deficit forecast for next year is on the lower end,”, a market analyst told The Malaysian Insider over the phone.
The analyst said the financial house is targeting a KLCI close of 950 end 2008 and 1060 by end of next year. The key indicator closed 905.8 points yesterday with a turnover of RM1.23 billion with 982 million shares traded. Our recommendation to the market will be that our view of the Malaysian market is still underweight,” he added.
He also held a very cautious view that the RM7 billion package would be able to boost the local economy.
Note that a report AT THIS LINK said that the Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia said that there is no debate on Najib’s stimulus package. Very interesting indeed!
After I finished reading the text masked in grandiose plans and the usual cosmetics of presenting fallacies of misusing with large numbers. Please refer to the left column of that website to see the overuse of statistics to impress ignorant readers. Note that none of the side bars lead to any links that can further elaborate on these ‘plans’.
The website also makes irrelevant appeals to authority in that for each result area, the lead minister is mentioned and again there are NO activated links that could lead you to other official websites (if any!!!) that could further clarify or explain those plans.
Read more at: GET READY TO PUKE