Rest in peace now, Beng Hock

(Malaysian Mirror) – The late Teoh Beng Hock was laid to rest for a second time after religious rituals were performed at his reburial.

Present at the graveside were his brother and sister and his parents stood a little further.teoh-laid-final-time.jpg

This is in keeping with Chinese custom that parents do not attend the burial of their children.

DAP top brass present

DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang was present at the Nirvana Memorial Park as well as Teoh’s former boss Selangor exco Ean Yong Hian Wah, Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng and former DAP secretary-general Kerk Kim Hock.

Teoh’s casket arrived from the Sungei Buloh hospital at about 9.50am.

Dozens of reporters and photographers were at the scene as well as several uniformed and plainclothes policemen.

White carnations adorned the top of his grave after the burial and his gravestone was put back into place.
