Pakatan, What’s Your Cut In The PKFZ Bonds?

You guys need to know how to play games. Protests! Protests! Protests! Stage it right outside the Parliament House. Stage it right outside Najib’s residence. Swarm his car. Chant outside his house at 2 am. Get creative. Get CNN. Get Al-Jazeera. Get BBC.

By Simon Templar

Hey Mr. Prime Minister, what on earth are you doing guaranteeing the RM4,600,000,000 PKFZ bonds? You think its your father’s money is it? Hello! That’s our money you are talking about.

Who are you to be deciding what to do with our money based on your whims? As far as we rakyat know, the PKFZ saga is hardly near the end. How is it that you can already make decisions on key matters of that con job?

Has there been new developments with the PKFZ bond which I have missed? Last I read, Chan Kong Choy said that the letters issued were NOT letters of guarantee. So isn’t what Najib doing now contradicting the claims of the man who issued the ‘letter of support’?

Aduhai! Which is correct now? Letter of Support or Letter of Guarantee or Letter of Undertaking? What is what BN? What is what now? Is Najib saying that Chan Kong Choy and OC Phang committed CBT and he is now ‘forced’ to accept their misdeeds? Then charge them in court on Monday.

And where is Pakatan on this matter of Najib guaranteeing the godzillionbillionmillion ringgit?

What has Pakatan been doing about this? Making some noise in Dewan Rakyat – like they always do. Dei… Lim Kit Siang has been doing that for years. Effective ka? No. It is not. Those crooks sitting opposite you don’t give a damn. You’ve got to be doing much more than that. BN will not submit to you. If they have to be forced into relooking their actions, then force them into it.

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