Jakim places 200 officers in orang asli settlements

The Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) has placed 200 officers in orang asli settlements nationwide to educate the orang asli community on Islam.

Its director-general Datuk Wan Mohamad Sheikh Abd Aziz said the move was aimed at strengthening the preaching programme, an alternative to elementary Islamic education for the orang asli community.

“The placement of Jakim officers in orang asli settlements is to ensure that the orang asli are not deprived of Islamic education,” he said at an Aidiladha celebration at Pos Hendrop near here Sunday.

Wan Mohamad also urged Muslim non-governmental organisations (NGO) to continue cooperation in implementing preaching programmes in the state.

Jakim contributed six heads of cattle to the orang asli community for the sacrifice to mark Aidiladha. – Bernama


