Time for a “kill”?

  • Some people just can’t help it. It must be in their blood and there is nothing one can do to ease it. They choose to be “colour blind” and what they see (or choose to see) is just UMNO red and BN blue.
  • By Dnightcaller

  • To these people, tasyrik or not, the show must go on…and since there is not much news of Selangor’s Khalid Ibrahim donating cows for Qurban in Federal Territory, they are now turning their guns on other states.
  • Take the case of the BN-staged demonstrations against Lim GE. Malaysiakini reported that :-
    • A group of BN youth leaders staged the demonstration outside Penang legislative assembly;
    • the numbers ? More than 100;
    • The issue? They claim that Penang state govt is an inefficient and indecisive state government;
    • Over-reaction? One protester stomped and torched Lim GE’s potrait (Penang Gerakan youth chief later clarified that the protester is not BN youth member;
    • Police action? Nothing but they did record statements from one of the prime movers;
  • From there, as if on que, another demonstration is held in Pakatan-led state. This time in Kelantan and this time the target is Nik Aziz. Although Malaysian Insider pointed out that text messages has been circulating calling for UMNO members to join the protest, an UMNO leader denies the claim and say that this is an NGO event.
  • STAR reported :-
    • Their numbers? 1,000 people;
    • Their aim? To demand Nik Aziz to step down as Kelantan’s MB;
    • Their reason? Because they claimed that Nik Aziz’s request for Kelantan people to pray for the destruction of Najib;
    • Police action? 100 police on stand-by at state secretariat building;
  • Honestly, it will not be a surprise if BN-led protesters will start marching to Selangor state secretariat tomorrow demanding explanation from Khalid Ibrahim why he did nor donate cows to Federal Territory this year.
  • But, seriously..hink about that. Is this a carefully orchastrated move by “certain parties” to compel Kelantan and Penang to move towards emergency rule? All they have to do is to create “unrest” and then let the “mob” runs free to a stage that “Mageran” can be enforced.
  • Read more at: Time for a “kill”?
