What Bangsa Malaysia, 1 Malaysia?

By Sim Kwang Yang

MALAYSIANS’ addiction to the question of race is evident in the current controversy over the idea of a Bangsa Malaysia.

I am indeed surprised that the Mentri Besar of Johore has come out in opposition to this new concept of a national “race”, in preference for the Umno orthodoxy of Malay dominance. In those years when we were in the same Chamber on top of the hill, I had known him personally to be a very nice chap, a distinguished academic, and a moderate at heart.

But then, the undercurrents within Umno are eddying with dizzying complexity on the eve of their general assembly. The national spotlight is on this monolith of a political party. More than a few ambitious Umno politicians would be itching to gain legitimacy of leadership by playing the role of champion of the Malay race. Their political survival may depend on how well they project themselves in that role.

The idea of Bangsa Malaysia was first proposed by the former PM Mahathir a few years ago, shortly before he abdicated from his throne. As a sort of government policy, it was never clearly spelt out what this national “race” was meant to be. It was just another catchy slogan, like so many other spun out by the former PM, who seems to have a natural talent for coining useless but catchy slogans. He could aptly be heralded as the Father of Empty Slogans in Malaysia.

Naturally, many Malaysian citizens who are not Malays tend to be mesmerised by the concept of a new Malaysian “race”. It offers hope for the national integration of our multi-racial society into a single united nation. Perhaps one day in the future, the evolution of Malaysian politics could see the emergence of new realities, that would truly reflect the constitutional provision that all citizens are equal before the law. Many Malaysians harbour deep-seated aspirations that one day, the spirit and letter of the NEP will be consigned to the dustbin of Malaysian history forever.

