No point defending BTN courses, says Gerakan Youth
(The Edge) – Gerakan Youth said today that there was no point for government or political leaders to deny that something was not right with the Biro Tata Negara (BTN) training modules.
In a statement, Gerakan Youth secretary-general Dr Dominic Lau said the views and experiences of so many people, especially ex-participants of the BTN programme, were good enough as proof.
“They have complained that the courses were indoctrination programmes, outdated, racist and divisive in nature and should be changed,” he said.
Lau reiterated Gerakan Youth’s stand, irrespective of whether to call it a “revamp” or “upgrade”, that the training modules definitely need to be overhauled to make the programme more in tune with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s 1Malaysia spirit.
He said Gerakan Youth would be submitting a memorandum on its views and suggestions concerning the subject to the government soon. Gerakan Youth is advocating that the spirit and contents of the programme must be in line with the Federal Constitution, Rukun Negara and 1Malaysia.
He said the BTN’S objectives were good but the problem arose when some of the organisers or facilitators misused or abused the platform to fan racial sentiments.
“We totally agree with Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz that BTN courses need to be overhauled. It is better to be late than never,” Lau said, adding that the unhealthy practice in BTN would be detrimental to national unity.