Some Hard Questions ….

Let us start with the basics … 

“Should every human being be treated equally?”

By John Doe

Those who said “Yes” are most likely thinking individuals; unlike UMNO. UMNO believes that “certain people” should be treated differently. UMNO believes in it’s own Ketuanan; and therefore should be special …. 

Let me try the next question then.

“Should everyone be Homophobic?” 

Didn’t most of you just say that everyone should be treated equally just a moment ago? What? You believe in “Ketuanan Homophobia” now? Isn’t a Gay or a Lesbian a Human being? I hear some individuals say that Gays and Lesbians are Evil!! And that they should be killed!! Just like in Sodom and Gomorrah. Hold on to those thoughts, while I pose you the third question. 

“Should Women be treated as Equal to Men”?

I think I smell a riot brewing now. You mean that you also believe in “Ketuanan Jantan” now? No? for RM200 or so, you can freely have sex with a ChinaMoi and walk away thinking that you’ve done her a favour. But if your wife pays RM300 for a gigolo, and if you found out about it, then you divorce her on the spot. Yup. That’s sounds pretty fair to me too. 3 Talaks via SMS, and you’re off looking for another Ah Moi the next instant. Is that your distorted understanding of equality? 

Malaysians speak about Truthfulness. You want the truth? Are you sure that you can handle the truth? What if I told you that every single human being was once a Woman? I’m speaking at the Genetic Level here now. The XX-Chromosome. Every single human being started out that way. Over the gestation period, a “tail” is dropped-off, and the XY-Chromosome being is now declared a Male. In that sense, a man is 12.5% less than a woman. Yes, 8-parts to form the 8 extension-wings of the XX-Chromosome, and one part dropped off. 

But wait. That’s not all …. Are you also aware that mutations occur? And because of that, there is the XXY-Chromosome? So anyone carrying that Chromosome is now 137% Human. And therefore a “Super Ketuanan” Being!

Hang on, it gets even more complex!! There’s also the XXXY,  XXX, XXXX, XXXXX. No these are not film-ratings, so get your mind out of the gutter!! 

Collectively, the above are your Gays and Lesbians. Have you heard of a Hermaphrodite? They are people who are born with 2 Genitals. Sometimes a Male Organ AND a Female Organ, and sometimes both Organs of the same gender. They have similar conflicting Chromosome issues. In short, they did not choose to be born with it, anymore than a person who his born with 11 fingers. Anyone dare claim “Ketuanan 10 fingers” now ought to be shot! 

Some argue that Men “learn” to be Gay. The claim is that his environment caused him to prefer other men. If that is to be the case, then surely he can be taught the reverse, by showing him pure Heterosexual Pornography until he is “corrected”, right? WRONG!! He was born Gay. No amount of Porn is going to un-Gay this individual. Just like no amount of carressing a “straight-guy” by another guy (gay or otherwise) would convert him into a Gay. It has the negative turn-off effect instead. Forget arguments that claim  “… But he is married ….”, or “… He has children ….”. Being Gay does not mean that he is incapable of ejaculating healthy spermatozoa. It simply means that his sexual preferance is for other men. 

So how come men have less of a problem against Lesbians? I’ve seen many men trying to seduce Lesbians by saying that “They simply haven’t met the right guy yet ….”   *wink* or why Lesbian Porn is prefered over Heterosexual Porn by most men. Unless of course your wife tells you that she is Bisexual, and you divorce her immediately too. Ketuanan Jantan at work again. 

And what’s the punishment for Lesbians in Malaysia, and why is there none for “Akua”other than paying the Police a Bribe? Sungei Besi used to have a huge nightly turnout simply because of Akua Shows at the food court. 

Well, as we know it, there is no known cure for Homosexuality. While you can cut off the extra “finger”, you cannot cut off the extra X-Chromosomes. And if you answered “Yes” to the first question at the beginning of this Article, then perhaps we need to do some serious self soul-searching from now on.

In case you’re wondering; no, I’m not Gay. But I just recently found out that one of my very good friends is. I just felt the pain that he had to keep this quiet for over 4 decades. Maybe it’s time to look at those with this Chromosonal Complication with a more compassionate heart now that you know that it wasn’t a choice, and that they were born that way. 

So, if you’ve had “strange sensations of preference” towards people of the same sex, perhaps you may need counseling to come to terms with who you are, as much as you need a chromosome test. Just so you know.
