HINDRAF anti ISA march & arrest of HRP Information Chief S.JAYATHAS
HRP’s S. Jayathas arrested on ISA black second year anniversary 13/12/2009 at 2.45pm when walking with a group of 50 HRP and Hindraf supporters from the Headquarters of HRP at Jalan Abdullah to the nearby Nagaswari Amman Hindu Temple 5 minutes away.
By P.Uthayakumar
Today, 13th December 2009, is the 2nd year black anniversary of the detention of four Hindraf lawyers on 13/12/2007 under the draconian ISA.
About 50 Hindraf and HRP supporters gathered at the front of the HRP office at Jalan Abdullah, Bangsar, and carrying an anti ISA banner walked peacefully to the nearby Nageswary Amman Hindu Temple with cries of “Hindraf Valga”, “Makkal Sakthi Valga”, “Manitha Urimai Valga” and “Mansuhkan ISA” exercising Article 10 of the Federal Constitution (Right to assemble peacefully).
Since 10.00 am there was heavy police presence in the vicinity of the HRP office.
As the peaceful assemblers were walking, one Superintendant Azri stopped and tried to snatch the banner which was pulled back.
He then told us that this was an unlawful procession and the 50 or so crowd walked in groups of three.
After prayers and outside the temple and on the way back to the HRP office, S.Jayathas who was wearing an anti ISA badge was singled out and arrested on the orders of Superintendent Azri. When P. Uthayakumar asked the Supt for the grounds of the arrest as is required to be given under Article 5 of the Federal Constitution, the Supt merely said “siasatan awal”. When P.Uthayakumar suggested that the Supt did not know the law he put up a front of being unperturbed. S.Jayathas was handcuffed from behind which is usually done for hardcore criminals.
S.Jayathas, an end renal failure kidney patient, last underwent his kidney dialysis on Friday morning (11/12/2009). We now fear for his health as he needs urgent dialysis attention as he told us this morning that he had breathing difficulties.
This once again shows UMNO’s high-handedness and exercising of power with impunity.