Government Transformation Programme – Stop Being Bombastic!
GTP contains some 7,000 nationwide activities, over 2,000 projects and 100 programmes. More work, more money needed, same people, same mindset and culture.
By Khoo Kay Peng
That in essence is what makes up the National Key Result Areas (NKRAs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which the Najib administration has set for itself and made public recently.
Both KPI Ministers Koh Tsu Koon and Idris Jala have promised full commitment and results. Both heads must roll if the GTP spends more than it achieves.
The BN regime should just stop being so bombastic. It should just start with a few reforms e.g. end the long-standing and divisive bumiputera and non-bumiputera dichotomy, end the NEP and replace it with a post-NEP socio-economic policy which is need and merit centric, stopracialising the education system, implement the IPCMC and create a multiracial, all inclusive BN party.
Read more at: Government Transformation Programme – Stop Being Bombastic!