The Race is On! So are Makeovers!
Tension is in the air as both BN and PR are in a bid to prove how far each can bring to pass their plans for the nation.
By Masterwordsmith
The word is out. The Elections Commissions announced that the race to register voters has begun with DAP leading the pack followed by followed by Umno, with other parties like PAS, MCA and Gerakan trailing them.
Why the rush? Simple. The stage is ready, the plot has been revealed and the players have confirmed their roles in the next political drama that will probably be staged next year (GE 13) which is widely anticipated to be in 2011 even though it is supposed to be in 2013.
Tension is in the air as both BN and PR are in a bid to prove how far each can bring to pass their plans for the nation. Last week, Pakatan Rakyat unveiled its Common Policy Framework (CPF) and Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s National Key Results Areas (NKRAs). Now that both sides have spelled out their objectives and goals for the nation so the rakyat can assess for themselves who means business and can deliver the goods/promises before they go to the ballot box. Remember the status quo has the advantage over PR.