Regarding the theft of fighter plane engines and the IGP

IGP has no power over the military, as far as I know, unless the military personnel committed an offense that causes injury / loss / death of a civilian.

By Penang Penang

Someone wrote this on Susan Loone’s blog:

Najib’s talk about making a police report and passing the files to the AG for action exposes a glaring point about his intentions to take action or inaction. The PDRM and AG can only act against civilians, local or foreign, who were involved in the theft. Uniformed officers in the service at the time are subject to Military Law, even if they have been cashiered since then.
Military courts are under the Judge Advocate General of the Malaysian Armed forces, the Gujerati AG has no authority over them.
There has been NO Court Martial of the officers and enlisted men involved.

There’s a lot more to Engine-gate than meets the eye … its not entirely improbable that Najis or someone very high up is involved right to his eyebrows.

Now I don’t know if the above is true or not, but from my own knowledge based on the American system, that is true.

The fighter plane engine belongs to the military, the thieves are from the military, hence it is a military affair.

IGP has no power over the military, as far as I know, unless the military personnel committed an offense that causes injury / loss / death of a civilian.

Please check if the above allegation is true or not.
