RYReps: Mahathir’s Show Hand
Whoever win or lose the game, Malaysian will still end up the loser.
By Rate Your REPS
Malaysian Insider (26/12/2009)
Mahathir: (read this)
- Altogether, I don’t think the amount lost added up to Malaysians’ RM10 billion
- Where’s the RM270 billion that Abdullah Badawi received from Petronas during his 5 years as PM?
- If you want a Royal Commission to investigate me for squandering RM100 billion, you’ll have to investigate Abdullah Badawi too.
RYReps says…
” Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Putrajaya Highland!
This is where huge amount of money is made (and siphoned away) or lost without being discovered. This is where friends are bought and enemy imprisoned. Only high rollers are allowed to participate, especially those who can extract money from oil company or GLCs.
Who do we have here tonight? Wow! We’re proud to have both Dr Mahathir aka Ultra and Abdullah Badawi aka Sleeper battling at our table tonight. It has been a long night for both of them. It’s getting really late already. Anyway, looks like Dr Mahathir’s luck is improving in the last few games.
Oh, wait!
Omigod, did I heard it right?!
Dr Mahathir called out “Show hand*!”
“Show hand!” as it echoed into everyone disbelieve mind.
Dr Mahathir said, “I’ll bet my obscene loss of Malaysians’ RM10 billion to see to your RM270 billion misappropriation of Malaysian petrol ringgit during your 5 years in Office.”
* Show hand means the current single bet is increased to the highest amount or an all in wager
Read more at: RYReps: Mahathir’s Show Hand