Day 5: Mudslinging and Perjury at Rosli Dahlan’s Trial
MACC DPP Kevin Morais stuns the Honorable Judge on Day 5 of Rosli Dahlan’s Trial and commits perjury
It was just simply pathetic to see Kevin Morais, DPP of the A-G Chambers cum Deputy Director of Legal & Prosecution Division of the MACC digging himself into deeper trouble hole with every answer that he gave to Dato’ Kumaraendran’s piercing questions.
by Din Merican The lies by Anthony Kevin Morais reached a new low at Rosli Dahlan’s trial today. Kevin stunned everyone in court, including the Judge when he uttered something totally opposite, repudiating what he testified yesterday and spent painful hours trying to explain that these inconsistencies are not actually contradictions!
Already the MACC had irked Rosli’s counsel, Dato’ Kumaraendran, when the trial couldn’t start at 9.30am as scheduled, due to the absence of the MACC Investigating Officer and witness. It appears the MACC is resorting to all tricks in the book to delay the trial, and frustrate the Defence Team. The case only started at 11 a.m.