Jet engine thefts sound like nonsense

A single jet engine costs RM50 million. Did we all read that correctly? A single jet engine, from an old, aging, almost-obsolete F5, costing RM50 million?


Let’s look at the jet engine theft issue.

3 people were named – 2 Indians and one Malay.

The Indians are screwed, but there are no charges against the Malay! Even if it’s just a coincidence, what do you think the Malaysian public will think about this case?

Wait, there’s more.

A single jet engine costs RM50 million. Did we all read that correctly? A single jet engine, from an old, aging, almost-obsolete F5, costing RM50 million?

FYI, the RMAF is scrapping their Mig-29s due to “high maintenance costs”. They’re selling all 16 of the Mg-29 jet fighters for RM300 million. That’s less than RM19 million per jet fighter. Okay, let’s consider the price of a brand new Mig-29. Myanmar bought 20 Mig-29s for around RM90+ million each. That’s including the kickbacks and what-not.

But these are OLD jet engines, and we’re comparing them to the price of OLD jet fighters.

We’re supposed to believe that a single jet engine from a nearly-obsolete aircraft costs 2.5 times the selling price of a second-hand Mig-29 jet fighter???

If so, then we should launch another investigation!!! Why did the MOD pay RM50 million per jet engine, which is obviously more than the price of the entire F5 aircraft itself! And to whom did they pay it!! Who was the defense minister during the procurement phase that paid the obscenely inflated sum of RM50 million per jet engine?!!!

I hope MT can dig up on this – from the procurement of the jet engines to the maintenance contract for the Migs! There are lot of juicy stories behind defense contracts (especially under Najib’s watch!)
